I’ve been home and back to work for two days but it’s too soon to have any perspective – memories run rampant through my mind making it difficult to focus on the task at hand, too many emotions to put into words but mostly shock and awe that we pulled this off.
I can hardly believe the collective effort. Don and Donna flew straight to Sacramento on their way home from Switzerland with a layover in Denver. Roger and Jim and Trudy had unbelievable trouble and agony getting out of Jackson, MS (and back home as well). And still Jim told me the first day in Glenn that the walnut grove tour was worth the trip! First day!!
I bet we all forgot our discomfort at the Taco Truck in Willows.
And the effort from Sharon and her family and friends… I can’t thank them enough for making this such a wonderful experience for us.
A wonderful time with dear cousins! The memories are sweet and I will revisit them often! Thanks to all who made it possible🥰
Abe and I have some very fond, delightful memories!! Oh yes!! They actually were lifted from Your memories as you sat around the table😱😂😂😍. As long as our minds serve us (there are some questions about sanity already). We will remember and smile at The Boehs Retreat🤗